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Summer travel tips to make your trip a breeze

Writer: Sun CountrySun Country

Updated: Jun 23, 2023

Whether you're heading to a family event, taking the kids on their next big adventure, or discovering a little more about yourself on a solo trek, there’s no doubt about it – summer travel season is here! That means it’s also a time of year when airports get busier and flights get fuller, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still find ways to make things a little easier while traveling this summer.

Dad and son sitting and smiling before Sun Country Flight

Here are a few ways to help take the stress out of a busy summer travel season:

Before you fly

  • Ask TSA – If you're wondering what you can and cannot bring through the security line, be sure to check with the TSA. Luckily, they have a super handy “What can I bring?” tool to answer all those questions.

  • Prep your electronics – There’s nothing worse than running out of power while traveling, whether it’s your phone, laptop, or tablet. Be sure to plug everything in and get those battery levels to 100% the night before so that it’s one less thing to worry about on the day you leave. (Don’t worry though, if you forget – we've got your back with USB charging in most seats.)

  • Get to the airport early – Sure, this one’s probably obvious, but when you arrive at the airport with ample time before your flight, you’re far less likely to run into hectic situations like anxiously waiting in long security lines or having to sprint to your gate. We recommend arriving two and a half hours before departure.

On the plane

  • Relax – Take a few deep breaths and nestle into your seat. Catch up on movies or shows thanks to our AirFi entertainment options or dive into that book you brought and treat yourself to some forced downtime. Maybe even take a nap if you’re one of those super-humans who can sleep on planes.

  • Stay hydrated – Staying hydrated during a flight can help with all kinds of things including your energy level, mood, and overall health. That goes for your skin too, so it’s not a bad idea to pack your favorite travel-sized lotion either.

  • Be courteous – It’s good to remember that this is a busy travel season for everyone including other passengers, flight crew, and airport staff. Take a deep breath, be aware of your surroundings and always follow the “golden rule” you learned as a kid.

When you land

  • Double-check – Before you leave your seat, make sure you have everything you brought with you on the plane. We find all kinds of things in our seatback pockets, so make sure your cell phone or tablet isn’t one of them. If you opted to store anything in the overhead bin, don’t forget to check there, too.

  • Plan ahead – Getting picked up at the airport by a relative or rideshare? If your relative is a local, chances are they know the best spots to meet, so agree on a time and place before you land. That way, you’re not trying to juggle luggage, kids, and your cell phone while maneuvering to an unknown location. Ordering a taxi, Lyft or Uber? We also recommend scheduling that ahead of your arrival time and checking to see where the designated rideshare location at the airport is located.

  • Enjoy! – You may have heard us say it before, but we’re all about connecting folks to their favorite people, places, and memories. While that’s true any time of year, summer is a great time to make new memories with your favorite people, and it’s always our pleasure to be your ride.

Oh, and if you haven’t locked in that summer vacation yet, no worries. We've got great deals on summer travel to help get you started.

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